
Machine learning


Multicollinearity :

Multicollinearity, which can happen when two or more predictor variables in a model are significantly associated with one another, is a prevalent problem in machine learning.

Due to the difficulty in interpreting the coefficients of the linked variables and the possibility that they may potentially change sign or increase significantly in magnitude, this can result in unstable and untrustworthy model outputs.

When two or more predictor variables in a model are measuring the same underlying notion or trait, or when one variable can be predicted linearly from the others, multicollinearity can occur.

The effects of the correlated variables become difficult to separate from one another when multicollinearity is present in a model, making it challenging to identify the variables that are actually influencing the outcome of interest.

One can examine the variance inflation factor (VIF) for each variable, compute the correlation matrix between predictor variables, or use principal component analysis (PCA) to determine the fundamental structure of the data to find multicollinearity in a machine learning model.

The removal of one or more of the correlated variables, the combination of the variables into a single variable, or the use of regularization techniques like ridge regression or lasso regression are some of the options for dealing with multicollinearity once it has been detected.

In machine learning, multicollinearity—the high correlation between two or more predictor variables—can be a serious problem.

It can result in unstable and unreliable model outputs and make it challenging to identify the variables that are actually influencing the desired outcome.

The correlation matrix can be calculated, the VIF examined, PCA performed, and regularization methods like ridge regression or lasso regression used to identify and deal with multicollinearity.



Codeblock E.1. Multicollinearity demonstration.


Using the load_dataset function from the Seaborn library, we first load the diamonds dataset in this demonstration.

Using the select_dtypes method from pandas, we then choose only the numerical columns and drop the non-numerical columns.

The heatmap function from the seaborn library is then used to produce a heatmap of the correlation matrix.

We can visually detect any predictor variable pairs that may have strong correlations and contribute to multicollinearity in the model using the heatmap.

Finally, using the variance_inflation_factor function from the statsmodels library, we determine the variance inflation factor (VIF) for each predictor variable.

After that, we use the barplot function from the Seaborn library to produce a bar chart of the VIF values.

We can see the degree of multicollinearity for each predictor variable using the bar chart, and we can also spot any variables with unusually high VIF values.

We may find any pairs or groups of predictor variables that may be significantly linked with one another and contributing to multicollinearity in the model by combining the heatmap and bar chart.

After that, judgments regarding which variables to include or leave out of the model can be made, and regularization techniques can be employed to solve the multicollinearity problem.


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---- Summary ----

As of now you know all basics of Multicollinearity.

  • When two or more predictor variables in a regression model have a significant correlation with one another, multicollinearity arises.

  • Regression models with multicollinearity may have issues since it is challenging to distinguish between the effects of many predictor variables on the response variable.

  • The standard errors of the regression coefficients may increase due to multicollinearity, making it more challenging to identify statistically significant effects.

  • Calculating the variance inflation factor (VIF) for each predictor variable in the model is a typical method of spotting multicollinearity. A high VIF value suggests that the variable might be causing the model's multicollinearity.

  • Removing one or more of the associated predictor variables is one method for addressing multicollinearity in a regression model. Another strategy is to employ regularization methods like ridge regression or LASSO regression, which can help to lessen the effect of multicollinearity by reducing the size of the regression coefficients.

  • More data collection or changing the predictor variables to lessen their connection with one another can also be used to address multicollinearity.

  • In order to make sure that a machine learning model is accurate and dependable, multicollinearity must be addressed. If multicollinearity is not taken into account, the regression coefficients may be overestimated, which will result in less precise predictions.

  • etc..


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