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Collections module

Collections module package allows to work with several container type datatypes.

There are 5 main container types in collections :  Counter, namedtuple, orderedDict, defaultdict

  1. deque collections

  2. Counter collections

  3. namedtuple collections

  4. orderedDict collections

  5. defaultdict collections



Codeblock E.1. Deque Collections.



Codeblock E.2. Counter Collections.



Codeblock E.3. namedtuple Collections..



Codeblock E.4. orderedDict Collections.



Codeblock E.5. defaultdict Collections.





Download. Collections ipynb package demo file.


---- Summary ----

As of now you know how to use several data containers of collections.

  • Collections package.

  • Deque.

  • Default dict.

  • Named tuple

  • etc...




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